Episode 06: How to move on from a Job loss with Suzannah Weiss

On this episode of My Perfect Failure “How to move on from a Job Loss” we are joined by Suzannah Weiss.

Suzannah currently serves as an Editor on Complex. Suzannah is also a regular lifestyle writer on noted publications such as the Washington Post, Vice, Teen Vogue, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Bustle and Marie Claire.

Suzannah has been published in numerous books for her articles on gender, body image and Social Justice. Suzannah has also been cited by Whoopi Goldberg for one of her articles.

On this episode Suzannah relives how a Job loss although painful at the time led to her true calling as a Writer and Author. Some of the Questions we Cover.
• How Suzannah came to terms with her Job loss.
• Suzannah discusses how her Job loss has impacted her current career as a Writer.
• The positives Suzannah has taken from the process.
• Suzannah lends some advice for people looking to bounce back from a Job loss.

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