Episode 04: Resilience and Rebounding With Edie Weinstein


On this episode of My Perfect Failure “Resilience and Rebounding” Paul is joined by the delightful Edie Weinstern. Join myself and Edie Weinstein as we explore what it takes to rise above when ‘life gets lifey’. Through a series of losses and challenges, Edie has discovered that her shakeups are her wakeups and she has moved through them, coming away with a vast tool kit of what she calls portable life skills that she uses for herself, her clients, students, and readers.

Edie also has a rich background as a journalist, interviewer, author and editor, a dynamic and inspiring speaker, licensed social worker and interfaith minister, BLISS coach, event producer, certified Laughter Yoga Leader, certified Cuddle Party facilitator, and Cosmic Concierge. Edie is the founder of Hug Mobsters Armed with Love, which offers FREE HUGS events world- wide on a planned and spontaneous basis. Some of the areas we cover.

• Edie Discusses her technique for dealing with Imposter Syndrome
• Dalai Lama: Edie discusses her journey to meeting and Interviewing the Dalai Lama.
• Edie tells how we can become Opti-Mystic and see life through the eyes of Possibilities
• The Bliss Mistress Guide

Edie’s Opti-mystical Website

Edie’s Dalai Lama interview

Edie’s Radio Show
vividlife.me/ultimate/its-all-a…th-edie-weinstein/ My radio show It’s All About Relationships

Edie’s Selected Articles
psychcentral.com/blog/author/edie-weinstein/ Psych Central articles
goodmenproject.com/author/edie-weinstein/ Good Men Project articles
www.huffingtonpost.com/author/bydivinedesign-283 Huffington Post articles
www.beliefnet.com/columnists/bliss…/archiveList.php Beliefnet articles

Edie’s Hugs Video
www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr5dA-x_VBA Hugmobsters Armed with Love (FREE HUGS) video

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